Blue Hills RCC Honored with APA-MA Award

We are thrilled to announce that the Massachusetts chapter of the American Planning Association (APA-MA) has selected the Blue Hills Regional Coordinating Council for their 2020 Social Advocacy Award. The APA-MA states that the Social Advocacy Award “honors a project that has made a significant contribution to creating great communities for all in Massachusetts...a program, project, group, or individual that advanced social justice, inclusion, and fairness for marginalized populations.” The BHRCC has received the honor for its work on conducting a comprehensive needs assessment related to transportation equity within the Greater Quincy Metro Area. You can view the award segment here.

The BHRCC, our members and community partners are delighted to accept this award for the needs assessment phase of our work. We thank the APA-MA for their recognition of our community’s shared efforts to increase transportation equity for all residents of our region. However, the work of the BHRCC is far from finished. We are tremendously proud of our needs assessment and the findings that were illuminated through that project. The next step is to begin designing and implementing real, critical, sustainable solutions that will better our communities. Stay tuned for comprehensive updates on our progress and how you can get involved with our work.